Green Goodness Pasta

I don’t know about you but I love pasta, especially when it is packed with nutritious ingredients and fulfils cravings. This is a quick and easy pasta dinner that is packed with lots of greens, perfect for getting your veggies in midweek. This recipe came about when I was really craving spaghetti covered in butter and cheese but wanted something with some nutritional value. I have played with this recipe many times over the years and this is my favourite version to date!

Serves 2

Takes 15-20mins


200 grams of spaghetti

100 grams of mushrooms, sliced

150 grams of cavolo nero, kale and/or spinach, washed and roughly chopped (feel free to mix greens or choose one)

150 grams of peas fresh or frozen

1/2 juice of lemon

100 grams of parmesan cheese or vegan alternative, grated

1 red chilli pepper, deseeded and finely chopped

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

2 cloves of garlic, minced

2 tablespoons pesto (I use Belazu) or vegan alternative

Mug full of reserved pasta water

Salt and pepper to taste


Bring large pot of water to a boil. Salt boiling water. Add spaghetti and cook for 10 minutes. At 5 minute mark, add in the peas.

Meanwhile, heat a large sauce pan over medium heat. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to pan.

Add in finely chopped chilli and minced garlic to pan. Cook for 2-3 minutes.

Add sliced mushrooms to pan and cook for 5-7 minutes.

Add greens of choice to pan and cook until softened about 2-3 minutes. Lower heat.

Drain pasta and peas, remembering to reserve a mug full of reserved pasta water.

Add drained pasta and peas to sauce pan with mushrooms and greens - mix to combine.

Add in grated cheese, pesto and lemon juice - mix to combine.

Gradually add in reserved pasta water to create a silky sauce with desired consistency.

Turn off the heat and serve.

Top with extra cheese on top if you wish and enjoy!


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